She's Iconic. She's Canon. She's a Classic. Everyone all over the World knows her. Who is she? What is her name? NESSIE! She still brings out my inner child that at 7 years old, I only ever wanted to live in an RV off the shores of Lock Ness with a bunch off sonar equipment all just so I could be friends with her. She is literally...the cutest Plesiosaur that a lover of both Cryptid and Dinosauria alike couple hope for. I'd ride off into the horizon with her if I could. But now we can be the bestest fwens evaaaaa forevvvvvooooo yayyy! I just Love her. Her widdle flippers.They are very Fwippy. Oh my gushiness. I am gushing over dat face!! Kyaaa! I love her. Nessie for life.