Pretty self explanatory. It was completely unnecessary for her to be Avada Kedavra'd like that. So this is the alternate version where the real Hedwig lived. She only allowed everyone to think she got herself offed. She was smart enough to think ahead. Her greatest fear was herself and failing Harry. So...after she conspired with Crookshanks by making her cause enough ruckus with just enough time before the events in the sky diversion escape that took place, Hedwig led Crookshanks ton the Boggart Closet. She teased her until Crookshanks knocked everything over, including the Boggart Closet. Crookshanks ran before she could face whatever she was too scared to face. Hedwig stayed. Hedwig saw...herself. Hedwig flew from herself that the Boggart took shape in. Hedwig flew more scared of failing Harry than losing even her own life. And just as she saw Harry about to be Avada Kedavra'd...bam. Boggart Hedwig took the it for both Harry and Hedwig with just enough time that nobody knew the difference. Hedwig was not scared of losing her life before she was scared of herself failing Harry most of all. So she was willing to giver her life if she had to. Even if it ended up making Harry sad. So after she knew she did the best she could...she flew. She flew and she flew and she flew. She found a forest. Where she befriended a Snow Wolf and a Forest Demon. And it was enough for her. Knowing Harry was okay. Even if Harry didn't know Hedwig was safe, sound, and happy the entire time. She watched over him when she could. She watched him grow. From afar of course. To make sure that her life that Harry thought she sacrificed for him was never in vain. Even when it was hard watching him grieve over her. All she wanted to do was swoop in but...she wanted what was best for Harry. was worth his happiness to know that Harry was no longer the boy who lived. He was the man who lived. And had a happy life afterwards. A life that she was more scared of him losing if he hadn't had that. Even if it was without her. Some say that Hedwig still is out there somewhere. Watching over the Potter line. Others swear that it's not her but her own owlets that have grown since then too. Many mention in mere whispers. They tell the untold tale of...the Snowy Owl...who lived.