Warehouse Takeover Sale
03 DAYS 06 HRS 10 MIN 42 SECS
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Squish are running amok! Help us clear them out with this 30-80% off Warehouse Sale!

+ free shipping on orders over $99!

Snacker Shrimp Sushi

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Snacker Shrimp Sushi

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    Sushi is honestly the perfect food and I don't understand how people don't like it!! The only excuse is a seafood allergy but even then, carry around an Epi-pen you cowards!!! Shrimp sushi is so good with a little sliver of avocado and some wasabi…ugh my mouth is watering just writing this, good thing we're getting sushi for lunch!

    All the details!
    • Designer: Melissa Z.
    • Specs: 4(w) x 4(d) x 7(h) inches. Polyester fiber, polyethylene pellets, ages 0 and up!
    • Shipping: This item gets free shipping to the cont. US on orders over $99!
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